First Communion/ Eucharist Schedule May-June 2025
Since your child has successfully completed their preparation and received the Sacrament of
Reconciliation …it is time to start the First Communion classes.
Again the sacramental prep team will teach 4 of the classes at the church and 2 lessons
will be taught at home. You have already registered your child for this Sacrament when you
filled in the form at the Parent Meeting in January. The cost for the Eucharist program
booklet is $25, if there is a concern with the cost please let us know, no child will be refused
a booklet.
First Eucharist Class Schedule May - June 2025.
1) May 3 or 4: either Saturday afternoon from 4-5 followed by Mass or Sunday morning
right after Mass.
2) May 10 or 11:Saturday afternoon at 4 followed by Mass or Sunday morning following
3) May 17 or 18:at home with the parents
4) May 24 or 25: Saturday at 4 followed by Mass or Sunday morning following Mass.
5) May 31 or June 1: at home with the parents.
6) June 7 or 8: Saturday at 4 followed by Mass or Sunday following Mass.
Family Day:
Saturday June 14, in the church at 9:30 am
Sacrament of First Eucharist:
Saturday June 21 at 11:00 am at Holy Name Church